Dental fillings have advanced significantly from the conventional metal amalgam fillings we have all grown accustomed to. Numerous fillings are available today, each with a unique combination of advantages and disadvantages. However, in restorative dental treatments, amalgam and composite fillings near you offer advantages and disadvantages.
Continue reading to learn how to choose the best type of filling for you, what to anticipate during the filling operation, and how to care for your teeth after treatment.
Main Attributes of Composite Fillings and Amalgam
It’s crucial to understand the benefits and drawbacks of each type of filling when you require one. Composite fillings employ resin for both front and back teeth to create a natural appearance. These fillings are less long-lasting than amalgam fillings and may eventually need to be replaced.
Although robust, inexpensive, and long-lasting, amalgam fillings deteriorate with time and lose their aesthetic appeal. Additionally, they can harm sound tooth structure. Direct restorations encompass both varieties and are secure and suitable for filling in a single visit. Although amalgam fillings have been linked to bioaccumulation and mercury toxicity, dentists have been using them safely and successfully for many years.
If you have concerns about your amalgam filling, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of removal with your dentist.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Amalgam
- A great choice if you want a filling that will last for a long time, approximately 10-15 years, maybe longer.
- Less expensive than gold and composite fillings.
- They are an effective choice for repairing back teeth since they have a reputation for withstanding vigorous chewing.
- Resistant to daily wear and tear.
- Although the ADA considers the mercury levels in amalgam safe, more tooth structures must be removed.
- Patients with metal allergies may, although infrequently, react poorly to amalgam.
- If your mouth is open widely, they are highly noticeable, even on the rear teeth.
- Amalgam fillings may fracture due to temperature exposure as they expand and compress.
- Several dentists no longer use amalgam fillings in their offices.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Composite Fillings
- They appear almost invisible since they are colour-matched to blend in with your natural teeth.
- They can be applied to the front or back teeth to fill minor or major cavities.
- Because of how effectively the resin component adheres to tooth enamel, fillings are less likely to come off.
- They are adaptable enough to be utilized to repair minor faults as well, like a little chip in a tooth.
- The substance is not susceptible to temperature changes or to expanding or contracting.
- On average, they last five to seven years, about half as long as an amalgam filling.
- Compared to amalgam fillings, they frequently cost more.
- The prolonged placement process may be problematic for people with dental phobias, special needs, or children.
So … Which One is Better?
Several factors play a role in determining the best filling type for your teeth. Our dentist in West Roxbury will consider the spot where the deterioration is, your medical background, and your cosmetic requirements. Another crucial factor to think about while making a choice is the price.
Consult our Nine One Dental Group dentist if you are unsure which filling is best for you. Temporary fillings are employed before using gold fillings or having a root canal. Even though they are not supposed to last long, not replacing them could result in issues such as teeth infections. Ensure you know the warning signals of severe underlying illnesses that might cause toothaches and how to treat them at home.