
How Long Can You Delay Getting Crown?

Have you ever wondered what happens when you postpone a dental crown? Time, the sneaky player in oral health, is a big deal. Today, let’s explore the consequences of delaying that necessary crown and understand why time isn’t just ticking away but playing a significant role in keeping your teeth…

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Can Yellow Teeth Becomes White Again?

Understanding the root of yellowing teeth is key. Your teeth comprise two layers: enamel, the tough outer shell, and dentin, the inner, slightly yellow tissue. Enamel shields your teeth, while dentin provides support. Over time, enamel wears down, unveiling more of the dentin beneath, which can give teeth a yellowish…

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How Long Does It Take For Silicone Sealant To Cure?

Silicone sealant is a popular adhesive used in various applications, from household repairs to industrial projects. Understanding its curing time is crucial to ensure optimal bonding and effectiveness. Contrary to the misconception that AI drives every explanation, let’s delve into the science behind silicone sealant curing. The Basics of Silicone…

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Why is My Dental Crowns Hurting?

Do you have crown pain? A dental crown can effectively cover and protect a broken tooth, but many people are astonished to hear that it will not prevent tooth discomfort. In reality, a crowned tooth is just as susceptible to issues as an uncrowned tooth. You may experience soreness, sensitivity,…

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How Old Do You Have To Be To Get A Veneers?

Veneers have rapidly become a common cosmetic method of improving one’s smile. Getting porcelain veneers near you can conceal flaws like stains, chipping, and even misalignment to give your teeth an entirely different appearance. When thinking about veneers, one popular question is, “How old do you have to be to…

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